Reading Power I and II: Grades 4 through 12

The teaching of reading comprehension is the responsibility of all subject matter teachers. And, the process to be used depends on the nature of the content to be acquired. To ensure all students stand the best chance of understanding the content, regardless of reading level, the process of reading comprehension needs to be simulated or guided in a way that students internalize the skills in the process of reading.

The world of student reading changes after grade 3, it increases in sophistication, concept load is heavier, ideas are more abstract, and information load is more concentrated. Student are now challenged with content reading.

Point 1: Basic reading skills are not sufficient for critical reading

Point 2: The goal of instruction is simultaneous acquisition of content (concepts) and process (reading/reasoning skills) with neither being sacrificed.

Reading Power I and II are training programs for teachers in all subjects as teachers of reading: content reading in grades 4-8 and 9-12. It is based on the premise that all teachers are teachers of reading, not reading teachers. A fundamental principal is at work in reading at these two levels: content determines process. The information source becomes the basis for determining how it is to be taught for the concepts to be acquired. To prepare teachers to deal with these reading challenges, they learn how to simulate the reading process in their subject with the use of comprehension and reasoning guides with respect for the importance of vocabulary. They are prepared to create the situation and conditions that approximate a reading process in their subject while their students experience reading comprehension skills in concert with content learning. In turn students learn how to support the ideas expressed in text through guided engagement.

Point 3: NYS Next Generation Standards, super standards, are designed for theacquisition of knowledge and skills intended in a school curriculum.

Teachers benefit from the program by acquiring a deeper understanding of reading comprehension and learning a sensible approach to reading comprehension for their subject. Their students’ comprehension skills are strengthened as a part of content learning with the prospect of internalizing the process. Also, with a reading process that integrates NYS learning standards into its approach, students stand a better chance of performing at a higher level on State tests.

Professional learning for Reading Power I and II ideally should be done with teacher access to technology to capture the instructional materials (i.e. strategies) to be housed in a system for easy access by teachers in their respective subject areas.

Dr. Bruce H. Crowder is a senior researcher for Educational Vistas, Inc. His work is primarily focused on creating pathways for deeper learning for all students through student performance and a dynamic curriculum replete with strategic teaching. Dr. Crowder may be reached at